“Whenever God does something new, he involves people — often unlikely people, frequently surprised and alarmed people. He asks them to trust him in a new way, to put aside their natural reactions, to listen humbly for a fresh word and to act on it without knowing exactly how it’s going to work out. That’s what he’s asking all of us to do during these days.” – NT Wright
We are in the time of the church year referred to as Lent. The Lenten season is a time of repentance, humility and surrender. It’s a time to pray “not my will but yours be done” for our lives and for our church. Lent is a wonderful time to seek God for His direction and clear lead.
During the month of March, we will have a number of listening sessions where we will seek to discern God’s clear vision for Hayward Wesleyan Church. During these listening sessions we will seek to listen well to God and to each other.
In an effort to accommodate as many people as possible these listening sessions will be held in the sanctuary on Tuesdays nights from 6-7:30pm and there will also be listening sessions every Wednesday from 1-2:30pm. Each listening session will consist of a maximum of 12 people investing 90 minutes together in answering these 5 key questions.
What is a need that God has given you a special desire for?
What would you say is the best thing about HWC?
What is something that you would change about HWC?
What do you dream that HWC would look like five years from now?
What are some core milestones that you pray that we might be able to accomplish together as a church in the next five years?
The thoughts, insights, and hopes that you share in these groups will be an essential part of the vision discernment process, so it is our hope that every person who is part of Hayward Wesleyan Church will participate.
To sign up to be part of a listening session please give us a call at the church office or sign up at the Welcome Center on Sundays.