Ladies Night!
Grades 6, 7, and 8 (LADIES ONLY)
Friday, October 26
@ Hayward Wesleyan
My name is Renee Brown, small group leader for the 6th grade ladies for Hayward Wesleyan Middle School Youth. I’m really enjoying Wednesday nights with the girls, learning more about them and Jesus together. In a couple of our meetings, we’ve discussed the possibility of getting together outside of youth group.
If any of the girls are available Friday, October 26, we welcome them to hang out together after school at the church. Pizza will be provided for supper along with some fun Halloween activities like caramel apple making, bingo, and just spending time together.
This invitation is for the grades 6, 7 and 8 ladies. The grade 7-8 small group leader, Andi Wittwer, will be joining us along with another volunteer or two.
We can provide a ride straight from the middle school to the church if that helps. The event will be over at 7:30pm. If anyone needs a ride getting home, please let me know and we can try to work out some arrangements.
Renee Brown