Northwoods Evening MomCo

Northwoods Evening MomCo

First and foremost, you’ll be warmly welcomed no matter if your child is screaming, you’re wearing sweat pants, and feel like a hot mess! We understand! A MomCo meetup includes gathering around a table with other moms to talk, learn, craft, and forge friendships. But more important, you’ll get to have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood. 

The Northwoods Evening MomCo group meets the second Friday of every month at 6:30PM.  Childcare is included in the registration cost.  

The location of this group changes, but will usually happen at the Hayward Wesleyan Church in the Fireside Room and Gym, where moms enjoy snacks and treats potluck-style, connect and support each other through the motherhood journey. 


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