Trunk or Treat is a family friendly event that takes place on October 31 in the evening from 4-6p.m. in Hayward’s new community parking lot behind Frandsen Bank, at the corner of 3rd St and Dakota Ave. Instead of going door to door, children trick or treat car to car. Cars are decorated, people dress up and candy is passed out. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the community and give children memories that will last them a lifetime.
New this year we have 2 different ways you can support this community event:
Option 1: Register a Trunk
Decorate your vehicle/trunk, dress up and hand out candy to the children and youth that attend.
- Set up is on October 31 between 3:00-4:00PM. Please do NOT arrive before 3:00.
- Trick or treaters start arriving at 4:00PM
- It is requested that you stay until the event ends at 6:00pm. (if you run out of candy during the event, there will be helpers walking around to refill your supply)
- Decorations and costumes must NOT be scary. This is a family event for children of all ages. It is meant to be fun and light hearted, not scary. We will ask you to remove anything that could be scary to a young child.
- Feel free to promote your business or organization via signs on your vehicle, decorations or uniforms. We ask that you do not hand out any promotional items ie. tracks, brochures, business cards, etc. Please only give children candy unless you have permission from the organizers to hand out other items like toothbrushes from the dental clinic or baby food from the new life center.
- Come prepared with 1,200 pieces of individually, factory wrapped candy to hand out.
- By registering a trunk, you are not required to provide your supply of candy although you may choose to do so. This year, Hayward area businesses are being asked to sponsor a trunk with a $150 donation towards candy. Please select during registration if you will be supplying your own candy or would like a business to sponsor.
Option 2: Sponsor a Trunk
Donate $150 to the Trunk or Treat event, organized by Hayward Wesleyan Church. Your $150 will provide one trunk with their candy supply for the event. (Hayward Wesleyan Church will purchase and distribute the candy to your trunk)
Lets go back to the candy…approx. 1,200 children and youth attend this event….. that’s A LOT of candy! That means 1,200 pieces of candy are needed per vehicle.
Many bless our community with their time and gifts by decorating a trunk and providing a safe environment for our children and youth to trick or treat and we would like to lift the additional cost of supplying their own candy. So new this year, we are asking Hayward area businesses to sponsor a vehicle with a $150 donation to the Hayward Wesleyan Church to purchase candy for one vehicle. During registration there will be the option to pay the church via credit/debit card or your donation can be dropped off in the church office. A donation receipt will be provided.
- You will have a sign with your business name & logo next to your sponsored vehicle
- The registered vehicle can decorate according to guidelines but by their own choice
- You may not hand out promotional items ie: tracks, brochures, business cards, etc. unless you have permission from Hayward Wesleyan Church to hand out other items like toothbrushes from the dental clinic or baby food from the new life center.
- Please remember, this event is for the children and youth in our community and to provide a safe environment for trick or treating. This is NOT an outreach to support your business.
Let’s have a fun, safe evening that brings lots of smiles, laughter and joy to the children of Hayward. We’ll see you at Trunk or Treat!