

What to expect on a Sunday morning at HWC

All are welcome to come for worship services at Hayward Wesleyan Church.

The worship services at HWC have been described as down to earth, informal, with a “family feel.” People dress pretty casually – you’ll see a lot of people wearing blue jeans and flannels or T-shirts or whatever they would normally wear, and sipping coffee in the sanctuary.

The 9:00 and 10:30 services (held in the sanctuary) are identical, and can be described as blended/contemporary  in style. The music is mostly contemporary with some hymns. The teaching is deeply rooted in Scripture, but is relevant and applicable to everyday life. The services usually last an hour or so.

Nursery care is provided for ages 0-3 during both the 9:00 and 10:30 services.

During the 10:30 service we offer the below for kids and youth:

  • Preschool (ages 3 – 5 *must be potty-trained)
  • Kids’ Church (K – Grade 5)
  • Youth Small Group (Grades 6 – 12)

At Hayward Wesleyan Church, we are committed to glorifying God through worship services that are:

  1. Relentlessly Invitational
  2. Irresistibly Captivating
  3. Unshakably Committed to Gospel Growth

Come as you are, encounter God, leave different.