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Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/hwcyouth/
Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/hwcyouth/
About HWC Youth
Every Wednesday night during the school year from 7:00-9:00pm, the youth gather @ Hayward Wesleyan Church to discuss matters of faith and how Christianity works itself out amidst the issues and reality of everyday life.

We take seriously the call to both introduce faith to those who don’t know Jesus Christ and foster faith in those who do believe. We point people to Jesus Christ through teaching the Bible, praying, and serving one another. We also believe strongly in community, that’s why we spend a significant amount of time in small groups where students and their small group leaders discuss the topic of the evening. No evening is complete without some laughing, fun, and general nonsensical things.
Sign Up
To participate in Youth Group you can show up in person on Wednesday nights and we will get you registered!
Any adult leaders/volunteers must have a current background check on file for the safety of the youth group attendees.
Typical Wednesday Youth Schedule
6:00 Doors open
7:00 Games
7:50 Worship
8:00 Message/Teaching
8:30 Small groups
9:30 Doors close