I am originally from Upstate NY and have lived in a few other places, but my husband, Dan, my
son, Michael, and I call Hayward, home!
I embraced a relationship with Jesus in 2008 through missionaries on the Lac Courte Oreilles
Reservation and have been a part of the Hayward Wesleyan Church since then. From 2008 to
2013, I served on the Youth Group Team, Worship Team, Mission Board, and Hospitality Leader
Team at Hayward Wesleyan Church. I was also raised as a leader, learned and grew under the
mentorship of missionaries on a leader team on the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation. I became
a licensed Ministerial Student through the Wesleyan Denomination in 2015 and was sponsored
by the Hayward Wesleyan Church. I have been a Licensed Minister appointed to Hayward
Wesleyan Church since 2018. My schooling consists of university, college, continuing education,
and mentorship in leadership experience. In June of 2024, I became a Licensed Pastor
Permanent. I am a living testimony of God’s truth, love, and grace.
After being “sent” to North Central University in Minneapolis, MN with the encouragement and
help of Hayward Wesleyan Church in 2013, I started to get a deeper draw to vocational ministry
over Business Management, which was my original major. After a year there, my husband and I
then felt called to move closer to home and desired to start a family. We lived in Rice Lake
where I continued my pursuit of Business Management for a while longer as well as took some
Ministry Continuing Education Classes. We continued to keep in connection with Hayward
Wesleyan Church and the LCO Community.
While in Rice Lake, I served on the First Steps and Connection Team, Prayer Team, Baptism
Team, and Discipleship Director Team at Red Cedar Church.
In 2021, I was called and “sent”, to be a Children’s Ministry Pastor for the Spider Lake Church in
Hayward, WI. God moved through me in developing a Children’s Ministry Program and team,
and in 2023, God led me to hand the ministry over to the team and return to Hayward Wesleyan
I love sports, camping, hiking, fishing, traveling, card games, quick board games, dice games,
and connecting!
My husband and I own Pearson Services LLC, a construction Company, and I am the Spiritual
Care Coordinator (Hospice Chaplin) for Regional Hospice for the Hayward and Spooner
I am so thankful to partner with God and the Body of Christ in this calling to connect every life to
Jesus and His community. I do so inside as well as outside the church building walls. I am also
the Coordinator for Northwoods Evening MomCo. I feel called to empower people into the “full
life” (John 10:10) that God has for all of us. While it is by grace we are saved (Ephesians 2:8-9)
for all who: 12 “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the
right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human
decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” (John 1:12-13). I feel it deep in my heart to help
all people know the love and truth of Jesus Christ (John 3:16 Matthew 28:18-20); that all of us
are created a masterpiece, unique and on purpose, for a purpose (Ephesians 2:10), and help
people know they are important and matter (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12:4-5, Ephesians 4:16).