Hayward Wesleyan Church is sending two mission teams to Impacto in Guatemala in 2024. Impacto is a Christian ministry that shares the love and Good News of Jesus with the Mayan people around Lake Atitlan.
- Our winter mission trip, from January 20-27, will bring construction skills, a sports camp, and a music ministry to the native Mayan communities served by Impacto.
- Our summer mission trip, from July 20-27, will bring a church leaders workshop, a women’s ministry, a sports camp, and possibly construction. We would also love to have a physician or dentist join us to bring a much-needed medical or dental clinic. (If you’re interested, please contact Holly Donato at
Impacto is a family-friendly trip. Four HWC families are taking their children and several young people have stepped up to go. We’re all open to God’s direction in our lives and hungry to be used by Him. Altogether, 23 people are signed up–making this a real revitalization of Hayward Wesleyan’s involvement in missions beyond financial support.
If you’re interested in joining one of these teams, please contact Holly Donato at by July 30. Trip costs are approximately $1,600 per person.

We need many ministry partners to sponsor our two Impacto teams. Your involvement is just as important as those of us going. Would you help defray our travel and accommodation costs? The cost per person is approximately $1,600.
You can support the HWC Guatemala Missions Trip fund with a general gift, or designate to an individual who is going. To assign your gift to a specific person or family, please contact Emily Caves (emily@hwc.chuch) with that information or call the church office.
Life on Mission Apparel

A team member on our HWC Guatemala Missions team created “Life on Mission” apparel for our community and beyond to purchase. All proceeds will go towards our teams traveling to Guatemala in January & July 2024.
The idea of ‘Life on Mission’ encompasses what we feel is the greatest command Jesus gave to his church. In Matthew 22 he instructs us to love the Lord our God with all our being, along with commanding every believer to love our neighbors as ourselves. We truly believe this means our neighbors in every facet of life; those near to us, and those far.
As we prepare to serve in Guatemala in January & July 2024, we realize that our mission is not just ‘when we go’, but as Matthew 10:7 states, it is “as we go” that we announce the kingdom of heaven is at hand. ‘Life on Mission’ is for everyone, in every moment of life. It is a reminder for us to live life with intention at every opportunity that God gives us.
May we all be encouraged that ‘Life on Mission’ is the reminder that we are called to live intentionally in every moment of our lives. It is the focus of our daily words and actions as we live to proclaim the good news of Jesus’ saving power to all those that we encounter.
Thank you for being our ministry partner! We expect to bring back many inspiring stories from serving the native Mayan communities in the mountains of Guatemala!
For His Glory!